Let’s talk about Christmas.

I am the sodding Christmas fairy normally. I get excited in August for Christmas. I plan the food, the decorations, I plan Christmas fairs. I am Ms bloody Christmas. Not this year though, this year? Frankly it can go fuck it self and I'm looking forward to January 5th (when everyone stops talking about new... Continue Reading →

Taking time out.

So breaking point isn't a fun thing, when you think you are handling shit. You can fake it till you make it. That you have all the balls in the air and it's fine. It is totally fine. Totally winging it. But then, comes the moment you just can't do it anymore, you have to... Continue Reading →

Let’s talk about….

Let's talk about a mental health relapse. All I've wanted for months is write a blog, to fill it with our little life. Document the adventures, the ups and most certainly the downs. The lack of posts is due to a relapse, to a downward spiral of doom as I've been calling it. A lead... Continue Reading →

Rievaulx Abbey

So the obsession with Yorkshire continues, there is so much too see and do. We went up for a long day trip again the other week, and decided that instead of heading straight to the beach we would explore the moors a bit more. Our favourite thing to do is drive down the roads that... Continue Reading →

Tackling anxiety.

Anxiety is different for every person, it can be focused on one area, from an experience or like mine out of no where. My anxiety is huge, in the sense of it feels all encompassing. So here is how I deal with it. Looking at the whole situation that is making me anxious just makes... Continue Reading →


You know when you are just in a rut? Like work is stressful and you feel like you are on some kind of messed up merry go round of bullshit happening be them small or devastating. Well that's my life lately, it is a constant stream of get that thing sorted, then this other area... Continue Reading →

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